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A member registered Nov 21, 2015

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Totally agree. If they need funding, they should have held a fundraiser. As it is, you're paying $10 to play a stable version of the game, which is insane. Nothing new is introduced. You can't slap on new coat of paint on an old, outdated, broken product and call it "new and improved". They're making you pay for an update rather than new content and expansions.

(1 edit)

I don't think I've ever regretted a purchase more than this. Basically paid $10 for new textures and bug fixes. Nothing new or interesting introduced worth that price tag. $5 would be a more appropriate price. I've been following this game for a few years now and with the funding they've had and the money they've made now, this is a huge let down.

People constantly drop out of multiplayer either because of the lag, the boring "quests" or a combination of both. Even if you manage to keep a full room in multiplayer, there's only three main points to the pup raising: feed them, "protect" them, and then just to drag things out to fill empty space, the game makes you travel (basically) across the map which takes forever and this is usually where people drop off.

The biggest disappointment though is the fact that you now have to get "lots of exp" to mate and have pups. Is this an MMORPG? I don't want to have to grind just to play the one redeeming quality of this game, especially if I PAID FOR THE GAME. If you want to spend your time grinding, go play an MMO for free.

I seriously don't recommend people invest in this.